Rohto Melano
日本製: Melano CC 高純度維他命 C 美白精華 20ml (B214) / Made in Japan : Rohto Melano CC Concentration Measures Essence 20ml (B214)
日本製: Melano CC 高純度維他命 C 美白精華 20ml (B214) / Made in Japan : Rohto Melano CC Concentration Measures Essence 20ml (B214)
日本製: Melano CC 高純度維他命 C 美白精華 20ml (B214)
●淡化暗沉痘印 ●殺菌 ●超人氣NO.1 的主打產品
這支絕對是Melano CC 系列中最強大的精華液!💫 不但超級抵用,而且功效驚人﹐大家搶翻天也不足為奇!🙈🙈
這可是樂敦超人氣NO.1 的主打產品,連續4年高居銷量冠軍!😍 蘊含高濃度的活性維他命C及維他命E,能有效阻止黑色素沉澱,淡化暗沉痘印,殺菌同時預防色斑,讓你肌膚瞬間煥發光采、晶瑩剔透!💎💎
輕輕一塗,即刻喚醒沉睡的肌膚,重現嬌嫩亮麗的好氣色!美白、淡斑一次解決,是想擁有自然透亮美肌的妳的不二之選,趕緊下單入手這罐神之精華吧! 😍😍
💰特價£12.8 (厡價: £16)
Made in Japan : Rohto Melano CC Concentration Measures Essence 20ml (B214)
●Lighten dull acne marks ●Sterilize ●Super popular NO.1 flagship product
Wow, this is undoubtedly the most iconic and powerful essence in the Melano CC line! 💫 Not only is it an absolute steal, but the results are truly phenomenal - no wonder it's constantly flying off the shelves! 🙈🙈
This is Lululun's #1 bestselling star product, topping the charts for 4 consecutive years! 😍 Infused with high-concentration active Vitamin C and Vitamin E, it effectively inhibits melanin buildup, fades stubborn acne marks, and prevents discoloration, revealing a complexion that is luminous, radiant, and crystal-clear! 💎💎
Just a few drops and your skin is instantly awakened, regaining a youthful, healthy glow! Whitening and spot-fading - all in one amazing bottle! If you're dreaming of naturally bright, even-toned skin, this is the holy grail essence you need. Hurry and get your hands on this divine elixir! 😍😍