MYM エムワイエム
日本製:Feet Mask 襪套型馬油去角質美容足膜 30ml 【1對】 (B217) / Made in Japan: Feet Mask Sock-Type Horse Oil Exfoliating Beauty Foot Mask 30ml [1 Pair] (B217)
日本製:Feet Mask 襪套型馬油去角質美容足膜 30ml 【1對】 (B217) / Made in Japan: Feet Mask Sock-Type Horse Oil Exfoliating Beauty Foot Mask 30ml [1 Pair] (B217)
日本製:Feet Mask 襪套型馬油去角質美容足膜 30ml 【1對】 (B217)
//英國天氣有時都幾乾燥,係香港可以去做下批腳皮, 呢便就冇咁方便,呢款去角質美容足膜,幫對腳做SPA, 啱晒。//
- 40分鐘快速版本(市面上的去角質美容足膜一般使用時間為60分鐘至90分鐘)
- 襪套式足膜設計,使用簡單方便
- 使用後7天內可見角質脫皮成效,利用自然、無痛的日常生活走動的磨擦,令老化死皮自然剝落,使足部肌膚回復柔軟、光滑、細緻
- 每盒有1對足膜,獨立包裝,衛生可靠
- 純天然成分,無刺激,無添加
- 主要成份: AHA果酸,骨膠原,植物提取物
1. 用剪刀小心剪開足膜袋口,注意袋內液體洩漏或溢出。
2. 包裝配備有袋口密封貼,把腳穿入足膜袋內,用密封貼貼緊袋口。
3. 把雙腳浸泡大約40分鐘,請確保腳底浸在液體中。
4. 使用冷水或溫水沖洗清潔雙腳(可配合肥皂或梘液)。
5. 角質在使用5至7天內開始剝落。※各人體質不同,剝落時效會有差異。
6. 老化的角質脫掉,大約兩個星期後,雙腳回復光滑柔軟。
7. 如配合保濕產品,可延續雙腳肌膚柔軟、細緻、光滑。
- 如果皮膚有擦傷、發紅、腫脹、瘙癢,或其他炎症的異常情況,請不要使用
- 如果你有過敏症狀或敏感的皮膚,請避免使用本產品。
- 如果你的腳趾甲上有美甲或指甲油,有可能會導致變色或損壞指甲,請暫緩
- 請按指示,浸泡你的腳在液體中使用大約40分鐘,不要過度浸泡。
- 使用後,請不要強行剝去角質,這可能會導致皮膚損傷。
- 使用後,請小心避免你的皮膚讓陽光直射,避免有可能引起色斑。
- 使用後,請避免立即進行劇烈運動,避免過度加強腳下的負擔。
- 請在通風良好的地方如浴室等使用。
- 本產品開封後,請立即使用。使用後的液體及足膜,不能重用,必須扔掉。
- 請每次使用本產品期間最少相隔一個月,請注意,若過於頻繁使用有可能引發
- 請不要存放未開封的產品在極熱、極冷或讓陽光直射
- 請確保產品存放在兒童及嬰幼兒接觸不到的地方。
Made in Japan: Feet Mask Sock-Type Horse Oil Exfoliating Beauty Foot Mask 30ml [1 Pair] (B217)
//The UK weather can be quite dry at times, making it less convenient to get a pedicure like in Hong Kong. This exfoliating beauty foot mask helps create a spa experience for your feet!//
✅ Quick 40-Minute Version, Results in Two Weeks
✅ Popular Japanese Product
Product Features:
- 40-Minute Quick Version (most market exfoliating foot masks require 60 to 90 minutes).
- Sock-Type Design for easy and convenient use.
- Visible Results Within 7 Days: The natural, pain-free friction from daily movement helps dead skin peel away, restoring your feet's softness, smoothness, and delicacy.
- Individually Packaged for hygiene and reliability, with 1 pair per box.
- All-Natural Ingredients, Non-Irritating, No Additives.
- Main Ingredients: AHA Fruit Acid, Collagen, Plant Extracts.
- Over One Million Boxes Sold in Japan, Excellent Reputation, Trusted Choice.
💰 Price: £6.8
How to Use:
- Carefully cut open the foot mask pouch with scissors, avoiding any leakage of the liquid inside.
- The package comes with a sealing sticker. Put your feet into the mask pouch and seal the opening with the sticker.
- Soak your feet for about 40 minutes, ensuring the soles are submerged in the liquid.
- Rinse your feet with cold or warm water (you can use soap or body wash).
- The dead skin will begin to peel off within 5 to 7 days. Note: Peeling time may vary for each individual.
- After the old skin sheds, your feet will be smooth and soft again in about two weeks.
- If used with moisturizing products, you can maintain the softness, delicateness, and smoothness of your feet.
Please do not forcibly remove the dead skin when the product starts to take effect; be patient and allow the skin to renew naturally.
- Do not use this product if you have any abrasions, redness, swelling, itching, or other inflammatory conditions.
- Avoid using this product if you have allergic symptoms or sensitive skin.
- If you have nail polish or nail art on your toenails, it may cause discoloration or damage; postpone use.
- Follow the instructions to soak your feet for about 40 minutes; do not over-soak.
- Do not forcibly remove dead skin after use, as this may cause skin damage.
- After use, be careful to avoid direct sunlight on your skin to prevent possible discoloration.
- Avoid engaging in strenuous exercise immediately after use to prevent excessive strain on your feet.
- Use in a well-ventilated area, such as a bathroom.
- Use immediately after opening the product. Used liquid and masks cannot be reused and must be discarded.
- Use this product no more than once a month; frequent use may cause skin issues.
- Do not store unopened products in extremely hot, cold, or direct sunlight conditions.
- Keep this product out of reach of children and infants.