[日本製]:東美堂308生酵素 60粒 (F226) / Made in Japan :Tohmidou 308 Fermented Enzyme 60 Capsules (F226)
[日本製]:東美堂308生酵素 60粒 (F226) / Made in Japan :Tohmidou 308 Fermented Enzyme 60 Capsules (F226)
日本製:東美堂308生酵素 60粒 (F226)
👩🏻⚕️ 感到疲倦、腸胃不適、易怒或發胖?這些都是缺乏酵素的信號!
🉐 全方位的308生酵素 比傳統生酵素更全面!☝🏻
✅ 改善便秘:有效排出宿便,改善皮膚質素和瘦身。
✅ 預防脫髮 、 保養卵巢:讓你從內而外保持健康。
✅ 幫助消化:分解食物及體內多餘脂肪,消耗熱量。
✅ 提升自愈力:調節體質,抗疲勞,讓你活力滿滿。
✅ 解酒防宿醉:輕鬆應對派對後的疲憊。
✅ 促進新陳代謝:美顏抗衰老,讓你保持青春。
❤️ 使用方法 (飯前服用最佳)
建議每次購買 2-3包
Made in Japan :Tohmidou 308 Fermented Enzyme 60 Capsules (F226)
👩🏻⚕️ Feeling tired, experiencing digestive issues, irritability, or weight gain?
These are signs of enzyme deficiency!
🉐 Comprehensive 308 Fermented Enzyme
More effective than traditional enzymes! ☝🏻
✅ Improves Constipation
Effectively eliminates waste, enhancing skin quality and promoting weight loss.
✅ Prevents Hair Loss & Supports Ovarian Health
Stay healthy from the inside out!
✅ Aids Digestion
Breaks down food and excess fat, burning calories.
✅ Boosts Self-Healing Ability
Regulates body functions and fights fatigue, keeping you energized.
✅ Detoxifies
Easily recover from parties and avoid hangovers!
✅ Promotes Metabolism
Enhances beauty and fights aging, keeping you youthful.
❤️ Usage Instructions
(Best taken before meals)
For health maintenance: 2 capsules daily
For beauty enhancement: 4 capsules daily
Recommended to purchase 2-3 packs! 🎉