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古賀製茶本舗 Gyokuro

日本製:古賀製茶本舗高級綠茶-玉露八女茶 [茶葉 5gx50包] (F132) / Made in Japan :Luxurious "Gyokuro Yame Tea" [Tea leaves 5gx50 packets](F132)

日本製:古賀製茶本舗高級綠茶-玉露八女茶 [茶葉 5gx50包] (F132) / Made in Japan :Luxurious "Gyokuro Yame Tea" [Tea leaves 5gx50 packets](F132)

Regular price £17.80
Regular price Sale price £17.80
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日本製:日本古賀製茶本舗高級綠茶-玉露八女茶 [茶葉 5gx50包]  (F132)


抗老化   預防便秘   燃燒脂肪

    日本古賀製茶本舗精心研製的頂級日本綠茶 - 玉露八女茶。玉露茶是一種高級綠茶﹐採用嫩芽製成,源自日本福岡八女地區的頂級茶葉,經過細緻的蒸製、揉捻和乾燥工藝,生長環境和製作工藝都有特殊要求,因此產量較少,口感更加細緻醇厚,茶色碧綠透亮,保留了茶葉的自然香氣和營養成份,具有優雅的風味和豐富的養生功效。


    🌟放鬆身心:茶葉中的L-theanine能促進大腦分泌α波,幫助您遠離壓力,輕鬆放鬆! 😌


    🌟強效代謝:茶葉含咖啡因和兒茶素,能刺激新陳代謝,燃燒脂肪,幫助you輕鬆瘦身! 🔥

    🌟促進消化:富含膳食纖維的茶葉,能改善腸道蠕動,預防便秘,讓你腸胃更加健康! 🤩


    Made in Japan :Luxurious "Gyokuro Yame Tea" [Tea leaves 5gx50 packets](F132)

    Japan No. 1 (Japan Water Resources Minister Award for 11 consecutive years) 

    ●Anti-aging   ●Prevents constipation   ●Burns fat

    Japan Koga Seicha Honpo Seishinken's top quality Japanese green tea - Gyokuro Yame tea. Gyokuro tea is a kind of high-grade green tea, made with buds, made with top quality tea leaves from the Yame region (Fukuoka) of Japan, carefully steamed, rolled and dried using Japanese drying techniques, with special requirements for the growing environment, Japanese production techniques, and a smaller amount of yield, with a more refined texture. Rich, brown, green and clear, the natural fragrance of tea leaves is nourishing, and it has an elegant flavor and a rich nourishing effect.

    🌟Super Antioxidant Power : The tea leaves are rich in vitamin C and tea polyphenols, which can effectively remove harmful free radicals and maintain your physical and mental health!

    🌟Relaxation for Body and Mind : The L-theanine in the tea leaves can promote the brain's secretion of alpha waves, helping you to bid farewell to stress and enjoy a relaxed state! 😌

    🌟Nourishing Beauty : Vitamin C and tea polyphenols have anti-aging effects, which can improve skin condition and give you a porcelain-like refined complexion! 

    🌟Powerful Metabolism : The tea leaves contain caffeine and catechins, which can stimulate metabolism, burn fat, and help you slim down effortlessly! 🔥

    🌟Promoting Digestion : The tea leaves are rich in dietary fiber, which can improve intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, and keep your digestive system healthier! 🤩

    💰Price : £17.8

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