韓國製:Arencia 綠色年糕肥皂純素潔面乳 120g+50g (B293) / Made in Korea : Arencia The Green Artisan’s Cleanse 120g+50g (B293)
韓國製:Arencia 綠色年糕肥皂純素潔面乳 120g+50g (B293) / Made in Korea : Arencia The Green Artisan’s Cleanse 120g+50g (B293)
韓國製:Arencia 綠色年糕肥皂純素潔面乳 120g+50g (B293)
✅ 毛孔收緊保濕
✅ 改善毛孔阻塞
✅ 去除角質黑頭
✅ 改善肌膚紋理
✅ 天然植物成份
純素大師級美容巨匠,Arencia名牌潔面乳,使用30多種天然成份,經過7200次揉搓和72小時靜置,經歷170小時製作過程而成的 Arencia 純素大師級潔面乳,也稱為年糕肥皂。它像最初像冰沙一樣溫和,搓揉多次即呈現出清新年糕般的黏性。
Made in Korea : Arencia The Green Artisan’s Cleanser 120g+50g (B293)
✅ Tightens Pores and Hydrates
✅ Improves Clogged Pores
✅ Removes Dead Skin and Blackheads
✅ Enhances Skin Texture
✅ Natural Plant Ingredients
Introducing Arencia, the master vegan cleansing cream that combines over 30 natural ingredients and undergoes a meticulous 170-hour production process—including 7200 kneadings and 72 hours of resting! This luxurious formula, also known as "Rice Cake Soap," starts off with a gentle, smoothie-like consistency and transforms into a refreshing, sticky texture with multiple kneadings. ✨
It contains tiny exfoliating particles that effectively remove waste, dead skin, and blackheads, improving skin texture. After use, you'll instantly feel your pores tightening and your skin deeply hydrated, revealing a fresh, dewy glow! 💧
How to Use:
Apply an appropriate amount gently to your face. Initially, it will feel like a thick solid, but as the temperature of your skin rises and you add water, it will transform into a soft, bubbly texture. Enjoy the cleansing experience! 🌟